
Live Action Hamster Video Game

Que ternura! (o quizas tortura)

Para recordar tiempos eh? en el que las mascotas y el tiempo libre eran las ocupaciones más interesantes mientras tomabamos leche con galletas o pan-con-queso, recogiamos mangueras para jugar a indiana jones o nos caiamos al lado profundo de piscinas vacias sin soltar de las manos la leche y pan-con-queso anteriormente mencionado...

ahh (suspiro)


Solo el principio

para mudar a Day---

a ver que tal el texto con links choros y nuevas maneras...

texto random

he Missionary vitality of the local churches in Asia was experienced in a unique way as all six of the Asian-born Missionary Societies of Apostolic Life (AMSAL) gathered in Tagaytay, Philippines for an international colloquium (August 17-21, 1999). This event marked the first time in history that Superiors-Generals and General Council personnel of all the AMSAL members were able to participate. An earlier organizational gathering in Thailand in 1997 had brought together some members of these indigenous Asian missionary societies.
The AMSAL body is comprised of the following mission societies--all founded in the Vatican II era: Mission Society of the Philippines (1965); Missionary Society of Saint Thomas the Apostle--India (1968); Catholic Foreign Mission Society of Korea (1975); Missionary Society of the Heralds of Good News--India (1984); Mission Society of Thailand (1990); Lorenzo Ruiz Mission Society--Philippines (1997).

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